Search results for: AFE

Transition to e-Learning: One Educator’s Resource to Keep Students Engaged

Keeping students engaged in the classroom is among an educator’s top priorities. With the transition to online learning in light of COVID-19, this has become paramount. In this Q&A, hear from Mayo Clinic's Helga Olson, CSA, CSFA, MS, on how she uses Pear Deck, an online, interactive tool, to enhance her student's experience. At the time of writing, Olson was using the tool in-person, but it can also be used online as students learn remotely. 


Executive Director’s Report: ARC/STSA’s 2020 Vision

Welcome to 2020 — not just a new year, a new decade! The ARC/STSA continues our commitment to education and programmatic accreditation in surgical technology and surgical assisting, community outreach and development of services. So much is underway as we enter the new decade, so I wanted to take a moment to share just a few highlights.


Tips for Navigating the Preceptor, Educator, Student Relationship

Preceptors play a critical role in the OR, helping ensure students are set up for success while learning on the job. Before a student sets foot in the OR, however, educators must also do their part and serve as a conduit between student and preceptor. The relationship among these individuals requires thoughtfulness, clear communication and an understanding of expectations.


A Global Perspective on the Surgical Profession

As a surgical technologist, I am constantly aware of the diversity of our patients. As an educator, I realize the diversity of the students I teach. As a citizen of the world, I understand how we must educate ourselves of the difference and similarities in people around the world.


Associate Degree Update

As presented in the April 2019 ARC/STSA eNewsletter, the Board of Directors approved the following language related to Standard I. A. - Sponsorship of the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) Standards and Guidelines for the Accreditation of Educational Programs in Surgical Technology.

A Special Thank You to 2 ARC/STSA Board Members

In a recent Board of Directors meeting, the ARC/STSA honored two board members, ARC/STSA President Dr. Cynthia Casparis and Dorothy Rothgery, for their service to the organization. Dr. Casparis and Ms. Rothgery both served two terms, and their tenure ends in June 2019. ARC/STSA is grateful for the time, talent and knowledge they each brought to help move the organization forward.

Finding the Right Fit: Advice for Students, From a Student

Sarah Galbraith is a surgical technology student at Reading Hospital School of Health Sciences, and is quickly approaching graduation. But not long ago, she was a prospective student, applying to the surgical technology program and learning new things along the way. In this interview, Sarah shares many aspects of her program from which she has benefitted, as well as advice for prospective students starting their own application journey.

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