Given the current public health crisis, the ARC/STSA has made the decision to proactively cancel the Accreditation Fundamentals for Educators (AFE) workshop scheduled for May 27, 2020, in Atlanta, Georgia.
We understand that your focus as educators is fully on your students, families and communities, as it should be. This continues to be an unprecedented and unpredictable event – we do not know if it will be safe to travel in May and would like to give you as much notice as possible to make or change your plans.
Those who have already registered and paid will be contacted directly with the options of a full refund or rolling the payment forward to the next AFE. The ARC/STSA will continue to monitor the current crisis and notify our entire community when the next AFE is scheduled.
As we stated last week, the health and safety of our volunteers, educators and students is our most important concern as we make these decisions. We will miss our time together at the AFE, as we truly enjoy the day with our ARC/STSA family of educators, but believe it is the right thing to do given the current circumstances.
Thank you for your continued support of and dedication to the surgical technology and surgical assisting professions and your students.
Stay well!